Saturday, April 21, 2012

Indian Style Vegetable Fajitas

This recipe can be cooked in minutes and can be taken with Chipotle style veggie bowl.
Prep time 10 mins
Cook Time 10 mins

Vegetables cut into thin slices

  1. Red Onion - 1
  2. Green Bell pepper - 1
  3. Carrots 2 or 3
  4. Spring Beans - a bunch ( 6-7)
  5.  ( you can add Zucchini or yellow squash)
  6. 1/4 cup chopped cilantro

Spice Mix
1/2 tea spoon Ground Cumin
1/2 tea spoon Garlic Powder
1/2 tea spoon salt
1/2 tea spoon ground black pepper
1/2 tea spoon Mango Powder ( My Style)
1 tea spoon olive oil

in a 10 inch skillet add little oil and bring it to medium heat
i would prefer to add one veggie at a time and add pinch of the salt and spice mix individually to each veggie
start with the hardest veggie and  add the softer ones at the end
Add red onions - fry for a min , sprinkle salt and the spice mixture
Add Spring beans -coat with the oil and sprinkle salt and spice mix
do the same for the below veggies in order
Green pepper
Saute for 5 mins after all the veggies are added
Make sure the spice mix is sprinkled evenly and coated on all the veggies.
you can add cilantro to garnish

you have Veggie Fajita ready....




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